Pediatric dentistry (dentistry for children)

Pediatric Dentistry or Children’s Dental Center‎ is a matter more for Moms & Dads and less for the children as they remain under the care & supervision of their parents. Children begin to get their baby teeth during the first 6 months of life. By age of 6 or 7, they start to lose their first set of teeth, which eventually are replaced by secondary, permanent teeth. Without proper dental care, children face possible oral decay, gum infection, gingivitis, toothache, effects of digestion, malnutrition, misaligned teeth…

Dentistry for Children at Peace Dentistry:

On the first visit, children require a friendly atmosphere in the dental clinic. If they get afraid, they won’t want to come for the next visit. We at Peace Dentistry, always make a happy and friendly atmosphere as well as behavior. Your child’s teeth and gums will be checked by our Pediatric Dentist in a routine way for proper development of facial bones and teeth and also to find out any hidden decay or any signs of other problems. Our pedodontist takes care of Dental Injuries, tooth cavity, tooth extraction, invisible braces and teeth straightening. Your baby’s teeth may also be cleaned and you may get a good suggestion about Preventive Dental Care that can be practiced at home as your kids daily routine.

Dental services for Children at Peace Dentistry:

  1. Infant oral health exams
  2. Oral health consultations for children
  3. Preventive treatments, including sealants, fluoride varnish applications, and oral hygiene instructions
  4. Milk teeth treament
  5. Baby teeth extraction
  6. Contemporary restorative care options
  7. Tooth decay treatment for children
  8. Limited oral and maxillofacial surgery
  9. Laser treatments
  10. Early (phase 1) orthodontics
  11. Orthordontics (phase 2)
  12. Comprehensive oral rehabilitation under general anesthesia

Some common Kid’s Dental Problems:

  • Tooth decay:Tooth decay or Caries is a preventable disease. Certain types of bacteria that live in our mouth cause tooth decay. Taking of excessive carbohydrate-rich foods such as candy, cookies, soft drinks and even fruit juices and fruit rollups, bread, potatoes, rice and pasta are the common reasons for teeth decay. These things bond with those mouth bacteria, damage our teeth & create some decay on teeth.
  • Over-Retained Primary (baby) Teeth:A primary tooth still in position with a permanent tooth trying to erupt in the same space is termed an “over-retained” tooth, and requires removal of the primary tooth. The presence of primary teeth in teenagers and adults indicates a potential problem, such as congenitally missing or impacted permanent teeth. Early diagnosis allows for a better outcome. Regular dental care will allow the dentist to monitor growth and development.
  • Thumb-sucking:Along with teddy bears, thumb-sucking can be one of the most favorite aspects of childhood. It is important to pay attention to child’s habits that can damage their oral health. Children may suck a thumb or a finger from a very young age. It is natural for an infant. However, some children continue sucking beyond the preschool years. If a child is still sucking when his/her permanent teeth start to erupt, it may be the time to take action to stop the habit. If at any time you suspect your child’s thumb-sucking may be affecting their oral health, please contact us. We can help you assess the situation and suggest possible solutions.
  • Sensitive Teeth:Hot and cold food can cause discomfort or irritation for teeth. Also the worn down tooth enamel, gums problems or microscopic cracks in teeth, may cause the irritation that nerve ends without proper dentistry. It has been observed that kids are the general victim of sensitive teeth problem & sometimes they need emergency dental solutions.
  • Bad Breath:Poor oral hygiene, gum problems, or dry mouth are the reasons of bad breath. Other conditions like digestive problems, chronic sinusitis, diabetes, or the side effects of medications can also cause abnormal mouth odor. This problem needs a good dentistry.
  • Start Early:Take your kids to dentist before they have or start any dental problem. It is important to train and teach children to keep their teeth clean and the importance of maintaining oral hygiene. Most children do not like brushing their teeth, but parents have to inculcate these habits strongly from childhood to prevent decays and cavities.